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Christina Daniels, HHP, SC, NLP,CCHt

Founder & CEO


Meet Holistic Health Sanctuary Founder & CEO

As a career expert in the health and aesthetic industry, Christina's practice centers around balanced health and well being of the body, mind and spirit including whole body aesthetics, diet and nutrition, preventative & regenerative medicine, holistic alternatives to physical and mental health, applied behavior analysis, neuro-Linguistic programming and clinical hypnotherapy. As a board certified and licensed health practitioner, Founder and CEO of Holistic Health Sanctuary and Studio 3B, Christina uses her 35 years of experience and continuous education to better serve and educate her patients to achieve their full potential.

"I want my patients to know that I'm invested in their total health and wellbeing. My practice is not just my business, it's my passion! As generations of family members tell me..."I have always been focused on helping others, even at a young age."  I believe that is because that is what this life is all about; extending ourselves in service to others. And to do that effectively, I know the importance to understand the workings of the whole person. I understand that to best educate my patients, I must continue to educate myself, research advanced technologies and science, collaboration with other experts within my industry, and of course to continue to seek guidance from my Heavenly Father in caring for all my patients to the best of my ability."

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